A friend of mine often goes away on business. When he's away, he seeks out his own beer adventures. I can only go a limited number of trips each year but when friends share their experiences with me, I can live vicariously through them. Recently, Sean went to San Antonio, Texas. He had to be there for five days so he he had some time to try the local offerings. This is what he reported back about the beers he tried:
Remember Alamo Golden Ale
5.3% alcohol, brewed in Texas
First impression is a little fizzy, eg too much carbonation. Taste is initially sweet, with some hops taste, but not overwhelming. Almost like a pale ale but not a lot of bitterness. Better on round #2, and I think would be better suited to food (? greasy Tex-Mex) than drinking by itself.

New Belgium's Fat Tire Amber Ale
5.2% alcohol
Fresh tasting is the first thing that hits you. Not over carbonated like many American beers. Easy drinking yet not lacking of flavour. Definite hop taste but the flavour is well integrated to produce a very smooth drinking brew. Very good stuff.

New Belgium's Sunshine Wheat Beer
4.8% alcohol
The crowd was split on this one. Typical of a wheat beer, it had a slight citrus after taste. The label said it was, "... spiced with coriander and orange peel in the Belgium wheat beer tradition". Very wet was one description. 2 for and 2 against. I liked it.
For more information, please see: http://www.newbelgium.com/beers.php

Negra Modelo Dark Ale
? % alcohol (my guess would be 4.8)
Light tasting for a dark ale. Medium carbonation. Very little malt flavour for a so-called dark ale. No immediate after taste (it shows up about 10 minutes later) so it's kinda lame, eg soft, but easy drinking and moderately tasty. Refreshing, but you wouldn't want to drink it all night; 2 max.
Modelo especial
? % alcohol (my guess would be 5%)
Clear bottle. Bla initial taste. Must be a Pilsner. Sort of like Labatt Blue but without the pronounced soap taste. Immediate after taste, a tad skunky. But surprisingly, a more flavourful brew than Corona. But would I buy it again? No. Everyone else in the room thinks I am being a pansy and should be more critical but I think its not THAT bad. Ok they think I'm ghey.
For more information, please see: http://www.gmodelo.com.mx/eng/marcas/negramodelo.html
1 comment:
Fat Tire Amber Ale...mmm...Negro Mondelo...mmm....mmm
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